Written by nature enthusiasts, conservation experts and professionals, Land Lines offers thought-provoking reads about research and discoveries in the conservation field. It also offers inspiration to connect with Canada’s nature. Interested in contributing to Land Lines or reposting material found on the blog?
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Bossing the burn: Part one

Prescribed burn at OMB (Photo by NCC)

Prescribed burn at OMB (Photo by NCC)

Those of you who have met me know that I’m a pretty big, intimidating guy. Braggadocios, people have said. Bold, even. I mean, you know if you’ve seen me that I’ve got what you’d call a bit of swagger when I walk across the...

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Tune in: Let the birds be your guide at Abraham Lake Nature Reserve

Abraham Lake, NS (Photo by Dan Hutt)

Abraham Lake, NS (Photo by Dan Hutt)

Jim Cameron describes Abraham Lake as a quiet oasis away from civilization. That is, until the silence on the trail that weaves through the property is interrupted by one of the area’s many winged residents. “Standing near the...

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What do we save? How science and planning are evolving to help make critical conservation decisions

Participants of the Open Standards workshop led by the Conservation Coaches Network (Photo by NCC)

Participants of the Open Standards workshop led by the Conservation Coaches Network (Photo by NCC)

In a world that is rapidly losing wildlife and habitats, conservation has become a science of decision-making. We know there are many places and species in Canada that will not survive unless we take action to protect and restore them. Deciding...

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Paddling through the “Everglades of the North”

Kayaking through the canopy in the Minesing Wetlands, ON (Photo by NCC)

Kayaking through the canopy in the Minesing Wetlands, ON (Photo by NCC)

It’s a foggy spring morning, quiet and still, not a whisper of wind in the air, and you’re paddling through a forest of silver maple, hackberry and bur oak trees. The canopy above is perfectly reflected in the glass-like water, which...

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Backpack Essentials: Deep in the wilderness, it’s nice to have a best friend

Backpack Essentials (Image by NCC)

Backpack Essentials (Image by NCC)

This blog post is part of the Backpack Essentials series, a series that explores the items NCC staff carry with them when going outside. It is inspired by the quarterly Nature Conservancy of Canada Magazine and our Nature Destinations program. To...

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The story behind the carapace platform

Snapping turtle crossing the road (Photo by Olivier Cameron-Trudel)

Snapping turtle crossing the road (Photo by Olivier Cameron-Trudel)

On World Turtle Day (May 23), I will kick off a third season of carapace.ca. Since its launch across Quebec in 2017, the popularity of this online tool, which allows citizens to report the presence of turtles on roads, has been growing. Every...

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