Written by nature enthusiasts, conservation experts and professionals, Land Lines offers thought-provoking reads about research and discoveries in the conservation field. It also offers inspiration to connect with Canada’s nature. Interested in contributing to Land Lines or reposting material found on the blog?
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Meet NCC’s 2023 summer interns: Sabrina Hasselfelt

Laced up and ready for what the field day may bring (Photo by Sabrina Hasselfelt/NCC staff)

Laced up and ready for what the field day may bring (Photo by Sabrina Hasselfelt/NCC staff)

As I stepped into this internship at the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC), connecting with fellow interns and sharing their stories and passions has been something I’ve been looking forward to. I gladly introduce to you our next intern in...

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Unveiling the wonders of Pipestone Creek

Pipestone Creek Bioblitz (Photo by NCC)

Pipestone Creek Bioblitz (Photo by NCC)

The Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) recently partnered with landowners Clint and Jody Blyth to conduct a bioblitz at their Pipestone Creek conservation agreement property. A bioblitz is an event where NCC staff and volunteers come together to...

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Behind the scenes at Gaff Point, one of Nova Scotia’s most beloved trails

Doug, the Nova Scotia stewardship manager, introduced the NCC staff and volunteers (Photo by Andrew Herygers/NCC staff)

Doug, the Nova Scotia stewardship manager, introduced the NCC staff and volunteers (Photo by Andrew Herygers/NCC staff)

The forecast had predicted rain on the morning that I attended a Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) Conservation Volunteers (CV) event at Gaff Point, Nova Scotia. I was there to help repair part of the trail that had been affected by erosion and,...

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Meet NCC’s 2023 summer interns: Ocean Kveder

Ocean Kveder (Photo courtesy of Ocean Kveder)

Ocean Kveder (Photo courtesy of Ocean Kveder)

As the Nature Conservancy of Canada’s (NCC’s) internal communications & culture intern, for the month of August I will be highlighting several of our interns working across Canada. Their contributions are helping conserve and...

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Close encounters: Baffling beavers and tracking elk at Hastings Wildlife Junction

The Large Landscapes Team with beaver baffler (Photo by NCC)

The Large Landscapes Team with beaver baffler (Photo by NCC)

A great day packed with sights and sounds for the large landscapes team at the Hastings Wildlife Junction! Back in May 2023, the Nature Conservancy of Canada’s (NCC’s) staff were made aware of flooding along a trail due to beaver...

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Stanley the stowaway

Stanely on a branch (Photo by Andrea Moreau)

Stanely on a branch (Photo by Andrea Moreau)

It was past midnight, and I was just wrapping up my school work for the day when I saw it: a tiny brown lizard, only slightly larger than my thumb nail. The lizard was so small (and I was so tired) that I had to do a doubletake; but there it was,...

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