Written by nature enthusiasts, conservation experts and professionals, Land Lines offers thought-provoking reads about research and discoveries in the conservation field. It also offers inspiration to connect with Canada’s nature. Interested in contributing to Land Lines or reposting material found on the blog?
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We keep hope alive with stories

We keep hope alive with stories (Photo by Holi Ho/CC BY-NC)

We keep hope alive with stories (Photo by Holi Ho/CC BY-NC)

“We keep each other alive with our stories. We need to share them, as much as we need to share food.” ~ Barry Lopez I count myself fortunate to have grown up in a home filled with books and stories. Eeyore will always sound, in my...

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If you’re Batman then I must be Robin, right?

Joe Poissant's (a.k.a. Batman's) office in the country (Photo by NCC)

Joe Poissant's (a.k.a. Batman's) office in the country (Photo by NCC)

I feel like there might be some real merit in an ecologist superhero movie. Hear me out before you rate me on Rotten Tomatoes. This summer I spent a couple of nights trying my best to help the Nature Conservancy of Canada’s (NCC’s)...

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Saving habitat for Canada's species at risk this holiday season

Polar bear (Photo by Ansgar Walk)

Polar bear (Photo by Ansgar Walk)

Halting the rapid loss of species is one of the greatest conservation challenges we all face. We’re currently witnessing what scientists have called the “sixth extinction.” From birds to bumble bees, many species are declining....

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Combating invasive species in a globally rare habitat

Leaders in Conservation in Carden Alvar, ON (Photo by NCC)

Leaders in Conservation in Carden Alvar, ON (Photo by NCC)

On a hot and humid day this past summer, I visited Carden Alvar in Ontario with a group of Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) Leaders in Conservation. We meandered through the forest and stepped onto the limestone plain alvar, which stretched on...

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Three ways to get closer to nature

Busenius Property, AB (Photo by Kyle Marquardt)

Busenius Property, AB (Photo by Kyle Marquardt)

Canadians are more disconnected from nature than ever before. We spend more and more of our time indoors, and a large per cent of us live in an urban setting away from large natural areas. We’re losing touch with the natural world, one that...

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You don't have to be a scientist

Evan Young kayaking (Photo by NCC)

Evan Young kayaking (Photo by NCC)

As an amateur naturalist, I’ve found it’s easy to learn new things; however, it’s getting much harder to retain everything I learn. Growing up on a farm in rural Nova Scotia, I’ve always had a passion for the outdoors,...

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