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Something’s Fishy: On the down low
Aerial view of Foxner Nature Reserve, NB (Photo by Mike Dembeck)
Many freshwater fish are extremely susceptible to changes in the waters they live in. Pollution and sediments can all impact the health of lakes, rivers and streams. But did you know that temperature can impact the amount of oxygen in the...
Blanding’s turtle: A lesson about life in the slow lane
Blanding's turtle at Emma Young Property, Frontenac Arch, ON (Photo by Mike Dembeck)
I think many of us need a reminder to slow down. With a ground speed maxing out at only a few kilometres per hour, the only option for a Blanding’s turtle is slow. Although it takes them a long time to travel throughout their extensive home...
The Seven Sacred Teachings: What we can learn from the species we protect
Arched rock at Wilson Island, Ontario (Photo by Michelle Derosier, Thunderstone Pictures)
There are many land-based Indigenous Teachings that we all can benefit from learning. Above all, caring for the land and ensuring its survival and that it thrives is a teaching in itself. It something that we at the Nature Conservancy of Canada...
A call to action: The United Nations Decade on Ecosystem Restoration
A restored wetland in Norfolk, ON (Photo by NCC)
Earlier this June, on World Environment Day, the United Nations kicked off the Decade on Ecosystem Restoration, lasting from 2021 to 2030. The goal of this global movement is to “prevent, halt and reverse the degradation of ecosystems on...
Turtles: Canada's culture in a shell
Blanding's turtle, Frontenac Arch Natural Area, Ontario (Photo by Ryan M. Bolton)
It was a gloomy day in southern Ontario. Although the canoe I paddled in was quiet, the landscape — filled with croaks and chirping — was anything but. Three metres away, a small creature emerged from the glass-like water to stretch...
An introduction to the science of bird migration in Canada
Palm warbler (Photo by Marshall Faintich)
Birds move. Actually, they do better than that: most birds fly. And the distances these tiny creatures can cover is jaw-dropping. On top of that, can you imagine the views from a bird's vantage point as it flies from South America to Canada?...