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Ick, it's a tick! Tips for tick safety
Adult deer tick (Photo by Scott Bauer/Wikimedia Commons)
At the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC), field work is an integral part of many staffers' routine, be it leading volunteer events or conducting various conservation activities. When it comes to spending time outdoors, it is important to be...
5 ways insects make our world a better place
Dragonfly at Carden Alvar, ON (Photo by NCC)
There are an estimated 10 quintillion individual insects on Earth. That’s 19 zeroes after the one! Insects make up 75 per cent of all animals. Despite their ubiquity, they have a PR problem. People often find them gross, scary or even...
Enjoy nature indoors
Beaver Hills, AB (Photo by Brent Calver)
While there is nothing like exploring the outdoors first-hand, not everyone has access to a natural area near them. However, you can stay in touch with nature — even experience an Arctic excursion — through films and books, from the...
Peek into the nests of some Canada’s most iconic birds
Osprey in their nest (Photo by Lorne)
Around the world, wildlife cameras have been set up in places where birds nest. The purposes of these cameras vary, but each has the ability to help viewers connect to and learn about their subjects in new ways. With live feeds often rolling 24...
There’ll never be a dull moment in nature if you do this
Volunteer using a smartphone at a NCC BioBlitz event. Photo by Brent Calver.
Is your outdoor walk getting dull? Or maybe your access to a sizable natural area is limited. Is lack of time a barrier to your ability to connect with nature? For some people with a close connection to nature, it might not take much effort to...
Our treasured islands of Mahone Bay
Saling on Mahone Bay, NS (Photo by MICA)
Imagine looking out from a shoreline and seeing beautiful pristine islands nearby. To row, paddle or sail to an island and find it in its natural state is not a dream in the waters of Mahone Bay, southwest Nova Scotia; it is a reality where you...