Written by nature enthusiasts, conservation experts and professionals, Land Lines offers thought-provoking reads about research and discoveries in the conservation field. It also offers inspiration to connect with Canada’s nature. Interested in contributing to Land Lines or reposting material found on the blog?
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My journey with the majestic snow geese: Unveiling climate change clues in Canada

Snow geese (Photo by Leta Pezderic/NCC staff)

Snow geese (Photo by Leta Pezderic/NCC staff)

I've always been captivated by Canada's diverse landscapes. They boast not only breathtaking beauty but also a rich diversity of bird species, especially remarkable waterfowl. The annual migrations of these birds are more than just natural...

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Candid captures: Unveiling grassland wildlife secrets

Ferruginous hawk (Photo by NCC)

Ferruginous hawk (Photo by NCC)

Whether it’s the dense lodgepole pine forests of Cypress Hills or the rolling hills of the surrounding grasslands, southeast Alberta is a remarkable and unique region to work in and explore. As a conservation coordinator for the Nature...

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Embracing Indigenous wisdom: My journey as a newcomer in Canada

Lake Huron, ON, one of the places where I go in nature for reflection (Photo by Rebecca Samuel/NCC staff)

Lake Huron, ON, one of the places where I go in nature for reflection (Photo by Rebecca Samuel/NCC staff)

Growing up in India, I always hoped to move abroad for higher studies, gain new experiences and better opportunities. I also had a passion to learn more about nature and wildlife. So, moving to Canada was a dream come true for me. I was going to...

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Reflections on Land-based connections

Eastern Georgian Bay Coast, ON (Photo by NCC)

Eastern Georgian Bay Coast, ON (Photo by NCC)

I grew up in southern Ontario, playing in the farms and forests of the Oak Ridges moraine north of Toronto, and spending time in the summers at a small, rustic rental cottage on Georgian Bay, just north of Parry Sound. This cottage was a place...

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The Land remembers: Beading as reflection

Buffalo Place (Beadwork by Raechel Wastesicoot/NCC staff)

Buffalo Place (Beadwork by Raechel Wastesicoot/NCC staff)

My identity, culture, the Kanyen'kéha language, our traditions and stories are all based on the Land and how Mother Earth has and continues to support us. When I partake in any aspect of my culture, and specifically in my beadwork, I think...

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Take time for reflection

Nova Scotia's South Shore (Photo by Brianne Curry/NCC staff)

Nova Scotia's South Shore (Photo by Brianne Curry/NCC staff)

Saturday, September 30 is National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. This day provides an opportunity for people to recognize and commemorate the legacy of residential schools and celebrate Indigenous resiliency and culture today. This day has...

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