Written by nature enthusiasts, conservation experts and professionals, Land Lines offers thought-provoking reads about research and discoveries in the conservation field. It also offers inspiration to connect with Canada’s nature. Interested in contributing to Land Lines or reposting material found on the blog?
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A city for nature lovers

Downtown Vancouver (Photo by Adam Hunter/NCC staff)

Downtown Vancouver (Photo by Adam Hunter/NCC staff)

Last September I travelled to Vancouver, BC. It was my first time on Canada’s West Coast, and I was really impressed. While I enjoyed exploring the city itself, it was the nature activities that really stood out for me. Stanley...

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Measuring what matters: Biocapacity and ecological footprint

Participants of the joint Global Footprint Network and York University workshop (Photo courtesy of Martin J. Bunch, PhD)

Participants of the joint Global Footprint Network and York University workshop (Photo courtesy of Martin J. Bunch, PhD)

The most-used measure of a country’s progress is its gross domestic product (GDP) — the value of the goods and services produced over a period of time, such as a year. A huge drawback of GDP, however, is that it does not fully reflect...

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Antlers of the East: Tracking the decline of the Atlantic-Gaspésie caribou (part one)

Woodland caribou at the summit of Mont Jacques-Cartier, tallest among the Chic Choc Mountains of Gaspésie National Park, QC. (Photo by Zack Metcalfe)

Woodland caribou at the summit of Mont Jacques-Cartier, tallest among the Chic Choc Mountains of Gaspésie National Park, QC. (Photo by Zack Metcalfe)

It was August 18, 2017, when I gained the summit of Mont Jacques-Cartier, an alpine peak of shattered stone and meagre vegetation some 1,270 metres above Quebec’s Gaspé Peninsula. Several stones were organized into mounds, marking the...

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Carbon and wetlands: So what's the big deal?

Wetlands can support lots of plants and vegetation. (Photo by Amanda Loder)

Wetlands can support lots of plants and vegetation. (Photo by Amanda Loder)

Wetlands can support a lot of plants and vegetation, which take up carbon from the atmosphere. What's unique about wetlands is that they enable dead plant material and the carbon they contain to be buried in their soils without being released into...

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A world without wetlands

Brighton Wetland, Eastern Lake Ontario Coast (Photo by David Coulson)

Brighton Wetland, Eastern Lake Ontario Coast (Photo by David Coulson)

I live next to a swamp. After 20 years of having this swamp as my neighbour, it’s kind of grown on me. I enjoy the spring flush of marsh marigolds, the annual reawakening of spring peepers, and I still smile when I see a colourful wood duck...

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Digging deep into Groundhog Day

Groundhog (Photo by Cephas/Wikimedia Commons)

Groundhog (Photo by Cephas/Wikimedia Commons)

Groundhog Day is a tradition that has always been dear to my heart, probably because it also falls on my birthday. Even though I’m not a groundhog, my family and friends used to tease me by saying that if I didn’t see my shadow on my...

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