Written by nature enthusiasts, conservation experts and professionals, Land Lines offers thought-provoking reads about research and discoveries in the conservation field. It also offers inspiration to connect with Canada’s nature. Interested in contributing to Land Lines or reposting material found on the blog?
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A bird (book) in the hand: Birds of Nunavut and UBC Press’s legacy of ornithological publishing

Left to right: Alexa Love (catalogues and advertising manager and cover designer for Birds of Nunavut), Melissa Pitts (director) and Holly Keller (assistant director, production and editorial services)

Left to right: Alexa Love (catalogues and advertising manager and cover designer for Birds of Nunavut), Melissa Pitts (director) and Holly Keller (assistant director, production and editorial services)

In my early days working at University of British Columbia (UBC) Press, I was tasked with maintaining the shelves used to house old and new UBC Press books. As I was shelving books one afternoon, I noticed large volumes of books, seemingly out of...

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Demystifying spooky species this Halloween

Black purse-web spider (Photo by Rob Craig, Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry)

Black purse-web spider (Photo by Rob Craig, Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry)

Why do some species spook us more than others? Some say it is an evolutionary adaptation, some say it is an irrational fear, while still others say that is because some (like spiders) are always shrouded in myths. If you’re not a fan of...

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Science is for the birds

MAPS station at Big Valley property, SK (Photo by NCC)

MAPS station at Big Valley property, SK (Photo by NCC)

As a summer intern for the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC), I have had the opportunity to participate in many cool conservation activities. One of the neatest projects I got to work on this past summer was the MAPS station that NCC is running...

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Vinyl siding and the greater sage-grouse (really!)

Greater sage-grouse (Photo by Gordon Sherman © Audubon Canyon Ranch)

Greater sage-grouse (Photo by Gordon Sherman © Audubon Canyon Ranch)

I expect that most of us are aware of the hazards that office towers and other large buildings in urban areas pose to birds. Buildings are not much of a problem in rural Saskatchewan, but fences are. Those barely visible wires can be hazardous to...

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Step into the wilderness with just a 15-minute paddle from the city

A beach in the Hochelaga Archipelago (Photo by NCC)

A beach in the Hochelaga Archipelago (Photo by NCC)

I like to imagine the St. Lawrence islands like treasures situated in the middle of the river; little parcels of paradise that were accidentally dropped into our province, just two steps from Montreal. Stéphanie...

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Citizen science 101

The Wildpaths maritimes project is a citizen science project that helps protect wildlife by using the iNaturalist app. (Photo by NCC)

The Wildpaths maritimes project is a citizen science project that helps protect wildlife by using the iNaturalist app. (Photo by NCC)

Close your eyes and picture a scientist. What do you see? Lab coats, goggles and beakers of bubbling liquids? A perplexed set of eyes staring back at you through a window filled with complex equations beyond comprehension? Ask the internet and it...

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