Written by nature enthusiasts, conservation experts and professionals, Land Lines offers thought-provoking reads about research and discoveries in the conservation field. It also offers inspiration to connect with Canada’s nature. Interested in contributing to Land Lines or reposting material found on the blog?
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Why take the time?

Bioblitz in action at Dundurn, NCC's newest property in Saskatchewan (Photo by Meghan Mickelson)

Bioblitz in action at Dundurn, NCC's newest property in Saskatchewan (Photo by Meghan Mickelson)

A first-timer’s experience with volunteering for the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC): It was a Saturday morning in June — cloudy and windy, as most prairie days are. My partner and I loaded up our gear and head off to pick up a...

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When shorebirds and super moons collide

Flock in flight at Johnson's Mills, NB (Photo by NCC)

Flock in flight at Johnson's Mills, NB (Photo by NCC)

The moon on July 12 was a super moon, a time when the new or full moon is at its closest point in its elliptical orbit to Earth. Super moons appear brighter and larger than regular moons, thus their nickname. This summer, the unusually high tides...

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Emblems of Canada: bird edition

Blue jay (Photo by Gregg Williams)

Blue jay (Photo by Gregg Williams)

Right at our doorstep is one of the most fascinating and watched creatures in Canada: our flying feathered friends. There is nothing that says, or better yet, sings nature than the sound of birds. While many birds call Canada home year-round, our...

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When hope flies home: What the recovery of the peregrine falcon teaches us about endangered species

Peregrine falcon, ON (Photo by Brian Ratcliff)

Peregrine falcon, ON (Photo by Brian Ratcliff)

There was a time when I never thought I’d see a peregrine falcon. I grew up in the 1970s, a time when the peregrine falcon was a poster species for wildlife loss. Hinterland Who’s Who told me it was already gone from eastern Canada,...

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Plugs for the prairies

Team hike to the planting area (Photo by Robert Britton)

Team hike to the planting area (Photo by Robert Britton)

Since I was a child, I was fascinated by the way a seed could spring to life inside moist soil. I remember faithfully planting seeds in my mini-greenhouse and marveling at the miracle unfolding before me. This fascination carried on for me in...

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Something's Fishy: A razor-sharp invader

Zebra mussel (Photo by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency)

Zebra mussel (Photo by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency)

My first encounter with zebra mussels is an experience many Canadians can relate to. It started with searing pain, a yelp and a quick hobble out of the water and up onto a rocky shoreline to examine the bottom of my foot, sliced open ever so...

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