Written by nature enthusiasts, conservation experts and professionals, Land Lines offers thought-provoking reads about research and discoveries in the conservation field. It also offers inspiration to connect with Canada’s nature. Interested in contributing to Land Lines or reposting material found on the blog?
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Heard it from a Scout: Five summer camping safety tips

Scouts with their camping gear (Photo by Scouts Canada)

Scouts with their camping gear (Photo by Scouts Canada)

Summer is officially underway, and with it comes prime camping season. Scouting is all about connecting with nature and experiencing the exhilaration and challenge of outdoor adventures, such as hiking, rock climbing, paddle sports and, of course,...

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From office to woods: NCC’s 2018 National office field trip

NCC National and Ontario staff at annual field trip, Backus Woods, ON (Photo by NCC)

NCC National and Ontario staff at annual field trip, Backus Woods, ON (Photo by NCC)

On May 25, many Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) National office staff visited our Backus Woods property in Norfolk County, Ontario, for our annual staff field trip. I’ve been working for NCC for almost two years and this was my second...

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Giving back to the next generation

Monarch (Photo by Steven Russell Smith)

Monarch (Photo by Steven Russell Smith)

I have a lot to thank the monarch butterfly for. Well, not just the monarch butterfly; I should give my Grade 6 teacher some credit too. My teacher helped our class raise and release monarch butterflies as part of a school project. Raising a...

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Conservation needs a common language to describe Canada’s ecosystems

Tatlayoko Ranch, British Columbia, (Photo by Bernadette Mertens)

Tatlayoko Ranch, British Columbia, (Photo by Bernadette Mertens)

“The beginning of wisdom is to call things by their proper name.” ~ Ancient Chinese proverb For organisms, we use the concept of a “species” to assign proper names. Having standard names for species is critical in both...

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NCC staff’s small acts of conservation

Wild bergamot being visited by a bee fly (Photo by Diana Bizecki Robson)

Wild bergamot being visited by a bee fly (Photo by Diana Bizecki Robson)

When it comes to nature conservation, a little can go a long way. Small-scale conservation efforts can have a huge impact and help ensure that we and future generations can enjoy our precious natural spaces. This spring, the Nature Conservancy of...

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A thank you to a “fun” dad

My dad and me when I was 14 (Photo courtesy of Logan Salm/NCC intern)

My dad and me when I was 14 (Photo courtesy of Logan Salm/NCC intern)

There is something romantic about the solitude of nature. The sense of seclusion and the interconnectedness with the world around you is indescribable. I enjoy the proverbial “call of the wild” to be alone in nature as much as anyone,...

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