Written by nature enthusiasts, conservation experts and professionals, Land Lines offers thought-provoking reads about research and discoveries in the conservation field. It also offers inspiration to connect with Canada’s nature. Interested in contributing to Land Lines or reposting material found on the blog?
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The Yarrow

Spread Eagle Mountain from The Yarrow (Photo by NCC)

Spread Eagle Mountain from The Yarrow (Photo by NCC)

As the Nature Conservancy of Canada’s natural area manager for the Waterton region in Alberta, I need to sometimes simply pinch myself and look around at the spellbinding landscapes that I work on. I started this role in May 2022. But I...

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Wildlife encounters in rural Saskatchewan

My co-worker and I comparing our feet to prints left by a bear in rural BC.(Photo by Matthew Braun/NCC staff)

My co-worker and I comparing our feet to prints left by a bear in rural BC.(Photo by Matthew Braun/NCC staff)

Wildlife encounters during my rural Saskatchewan childhood were rare, and you’d have to include cats and dogs and the numerous coyotes surrounding our farm to really pump my numbers up. And while coyotes arguing with dogs during the quiet...

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What they do in the shadows

Big brown bat (Photo by Brock Fenton)

Big brown bat (Photo by Brock Fenton)

I love an underdog. I think it’s easy to fall in love with the quarterback or the frontperson in a rock ‘n’ roll band, but my heart has always belonged to the benchwarmer or the drummer. Growing up, while kids my age toted around...

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A close encounter with ticks that I won't forget

Adult deer tick (Photo by Scott Bauer/Wikimedia Commons)

Adult deer tick (Photo by Scott Bauer/Wikimedia Commons)

Anyone who knows me knows I am not a morning person, by any stretch of the imagination. But on this particular morning, it was 8 o’clock, and I’d already stripped the bed and sofa covers, done a load of laundry, and taken a long, hot...

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Eyes on endangered piping plovers

Piping plover (Photo by Andrew Herygers/NCC staff)

Piping plover (Photo by Andrew Herygers/NCC staff)

On a humid July morning, I had the pleasure of joining Birds Canada's piping plover coordinator in Escuminac, New Brunswick, to track piping plovers and visit a known nesting area that the Nature Conservancy of Canada has protected. Piping...

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Everywhere and all-around: Fence mapping in Alberta

Beaver damming activity, Collins Property, AB. (Photo by NCC)

Beaver damming activity, Collins Property, AB. (Photo by NCC)

It was a dry and hot, mid-July day in Red Deer, Alberta. Ashleigh and I, Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) interns and participants in the Canadian Conservation Corps program, were heading to the Collins property. It was a wet spring, and the...

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