Yellow-rumped warbler (Photo by Pixabay)

Yellow-rumped warbler (Photo by Pixabay)

A spring message from our president & CEO, John Lounds

Nature has been there for us. Let's be there for nature, too.
John Lounds (Photo by Mike Ford)

John Lounds (Photo by Mike Ford)

May 11, 2020

Dear friends,

Earlier this month, I had the pleasure of welcoming a few surprise visitors to my home. I know that sounds a little odd. We’re in the middle of a pandemic! But there they were, a lively little flock of yellow-rumped warblers, grabbing a quick snack on their way north and reminding me that spring is here. Imagine: if I hadn’t been working from home, I would have missed them.

Many of us have had our lives turned upside down by COVID-19. But perhaps nature has also provided you with little flashes of joy and a respite from the news.

Despite this upheaval, the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) team has been working hard to keep our promise to conserve the natural areas that sustain us all. For the time being, we are all still working remotely, keeping each other and our families safe, while finding innovative ways to connect you with nature. I wanted to bring you up to date on what we have been up to.

This spring, we have continued to add conservation lands to our portfolio in Saskatchewan, New Brunswick and Ontario, finding innovative ways to get the deals done. Starting in early May, as restrictions begin to ease in some provinces, some of our field staff will begin their summer stewardship work, heading onto our properties for essential monitoring and management activities.

Unfortunately, our popular Conservation Volunteers program and all in-person events have been postponed until at least June 30. Our conservation areas and trails, for the most part, are closed to public access. This was the hardest decision of all for us. I’m pleased to tell you, however, that as provincial authorities begin to lift restrictions, we too will begin to reopen our trails. I urge you to continue to check our website on a regular basis for updates on access to the natural areas near you. Also, on our website you can find connections to virtual hikes, online events and a nature activities corner. You can also follow us on social media by searching for #Take5withNature,  which offers a daily dose of nature from the safety of your home.

I want to assure you we are not closed for business. Your gifts remain hard at work, protecting Canada’s most precious natural spaces and the species that live there. We know how important this is to you and we will not lose sight of this vital work, even in these trying times. 

Some supporters have told us they want to make an additional gift to help NCC navigate these challenging times. If you are considering making a gift, you can reach us at:

As we look ahead to when we can all be safely together in nature again, I want to thank you for your ongoing support. Just as nature has continued to provide its essential services to us, it’s important that we continue to be there for nature. You, along with thousands of supporters across the country, have shown an unflagging belief in the importance of our work. Thank you.

And thank you for your patience and understanding as we work to return to a new normal in coming months. Please watch our website for further updates. I hope you and your loved ones are safe and look forward to celebrating nature with just as soon as it is safe to do so.

Yours in nature,

John Lounds
President & CEO
Nature Conservancy of Canada

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