Eastern bluebird (Photo by Chelsea Marcantonio)

Eastern bluebird (Photo by Chelsea Marcantonio)

All about NCC at COP15

What are COP and the Convention on Biological Diversity about?
A meadow of common camas in bloom at the Cowichan Garry Oak Preserve (Photo by Paul Hacker)

A meadow of common camas in bloom at the Cowichan Garry Oak Preserve (Photo by Paul Hacker)

The UN Biodiversity Conference (Convention of the Parties [COP]) convenes governments from around the world to agree on a new set of goals for nature over the next decade through the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) post-2020 framework process. The framework sets out an ambitious plan to implement broad-based action to stop and reverse the destruction of nature, and to set a course to transform society's relationship with nature by 2050.



An overview of COP15

COP15 (the 15th meeting of the parties) will be held in Montreal from December 7 to 19, 2022.  There are 196 member nations that will be attending a series of meetings to finalize the next Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF), which replaces the 2010-2020 Aichi Targets. 

Nations, including Canada, are looking for solutions to end nature loss. The stakes are high, as none of the Aichi Targets were met. In Canada alone, more than 2,000 wild species are at risk of being lost, and 100 of them are only found in Canada.

Birch River, AB (Photo by NCC)

Birch River, AB (Photo by NCC)

The Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) will be there too. We will be proud to show the world results like the Boreal Wildlands project in Ontario, which demonstrates the scale at which we have to work today to guarantee a nature-positive future. Projects like the Birch River Wildland Provincial Park in Alberta showcase what we can do when we work together – when all of society joins together to care for the natural areas that are our life support systems.

What will NCC’s role be at COP15?

As part of the official Canadian delegation, NCC will provide advice about how to achieve ambitious commitments for a nature-positive future. Already a reliable delivery partner to government in Canada, NCC has a plan to deliver more protected area solutions, faster.

NCC brings together partners, capital and commitment to accelerate conservation. Joining the world at COP15, NCC demonstrates it is ready to deliver what Canada needs for a nature-positive future. We are committed to leading through innovation, enabling new ways to accelerate conservation through such means as supporting Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas, other effective means of conservation and new sources of private investment in conservation.

NCC is also among one of the only Canadian groups attending who will be sending a delegation of young professionals representing the next generation of conservation leaders. Read more about some of the young professionals who'll be attending COP15 >

How can you be part of the solution?

Pacific sideband snail at Reginald Hill, BC (Photo by Fernando Lessa)

Pacific sideband snail at Reginald Hill, BC (Photo by Fernando Lessa)

With NCC, you are accelerating the pace of conservation in Canada. Rapid biodiversity loss is on par with climate change as a threat to our natural world. Together we can and must do more.

NCC is helping to shape Canada’s 2030 commitments to stop and reverse the loss of nature. As a trusted delivery partner, we are ready to help Canada meet its targets. And we are mobilizing our supporters, like you, to create a whole-of-society response for a nature-positive future.

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