

  • Hundreds of bioblitzers get ready to start their intensive 24-hour search to identify and catalogue as many species of plants, birds, mammals, fish, insects, fungi and other organisms as possible. (Photo by Vincent Luk)
    Click on the image to enlarge.
    Bioblitzers get ready to start their intensive search (Photo by Vincent Luk)
  • Participants gather around at the start of the Ontario BioBlitz in Rouge Park, poised and ready. (Photo by Brennan Caverhill)
    Click on the image to enlarge.
    Participants gather at the start of the bioblitz (Photo by Brennan Caverhill)
  • Mark Stabb of NCC talking about biodiversity in the Humber watershed at the opening of the 2014 Ontario BioBlitz (Photo by Vincent Luk)
    Click on the image to enlarge.
    Mark Stabb of NCC talking about biodiversity (Photo by Vincent Luk)
  • Two species at risk that were recorded at the Humber 2014 Ontario BioBlitz: the bobolink and milksnake. (Photos by Bronwyn Salmon and Justine DiCesare)
    Click on the image to enlarge.
    Bobolink (Photo by Bronwyn Salmon) and milksnake (Justine DiCesare)
  • Gergin Blagoev works at a microscope in the Humber BioBlitz Data Centre to identify spider species.  (Photo by Vincent Luk)
    Click on the image to enlarge.
    Gergin Blagoev works at a microscope (Photo by Vincent Luk)
  • Schedule of sessions for the 2014 Guided Ontario BioBlitz held at the Kortright Centre for Conservation. (Photo by Stacey Lee Kerr)
    Click on the image to enlarge.
    Schedule for the 2014 Guided Ontario BioBlitz (Photo by Stacey Lee Kerr)
  • The arachnid team prepares to head out for an evening survey of spiders at the 2012 Rouge Park Ontario BioBlitz (Photo by Brennan Caverhill)
    Click on the image to enlarge.
    The arachnid team prepares to head out (Photo by Brennan Caverhill)

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