

  • Coyote tracks (Photo by NCC)
    Can you identify these wildlife tracks?

    Winter is thought to be a time when everything slows down, the air is still, branches lay bare and wildlife holes up to brace the frosty weather. Not necessarily so! There are many signs of life that hint at bustling wildlife activity — if you know what to look for and where to look. Test your knowledge on how many wildlife tracks you can identify.
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  • Semipalmated sandpiper (Photo by Denis Doucet)
    Can you identify these Canadian seasonal migrants?

    While the depths of Canada’s winter may spur on “snow birds” of the human kind to seek out warmer temperatures in the south, some wildlife also migrate varying distances to reach more hospitable environments and to find food. Can you guess which species make these incredible journeys?
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  • Red-headed woodpecker (Photo by D. Fast)
    Can you guess the species at risk?

    An important impact of the Nature Conservancy of Canada’s (NCC’s) conservation work is that we protect and recover habitat for more than 50 Canadian species on the Red List or those that have been assessed as near threatened. Can you guess the species at risk that NCC is working to protect?
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  • Acorn on Grand-Barachois, NB (Photo by NCC)
    What if you were an oak tree?

    The life of almost every tree starts as a seed. Throughout its life, a tree will experience many changes and provide habitat and food for several species. Take the quiz below to learn how to live like an oak tree.
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  • Nodwell, AB (Photo by R. Berdan)
    Guess the Nature Destination!

    What better way to celebrate all that this country as to offer, than exploring its diverse landscapes? The Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) is launching a program called Nature Destinations, which encourages Canadians to explore conserved land across Canada. Take our quiz to discover the destinations below:
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  • Volunteering at a local community garden (Photo by Micheline Khan)
    5 questions about small acts of conservation

    Take our quiz about small acts of conservation we can all take to help nature, which will also benefit you and your community:
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  • It was mating season for these spectacular blister beetles. (Photo by Dr. Diana Bizecki Robson)
    5 questions about species reproduction & mating rituals

    With the warmer weather comes new life: species across Canada reproduce and give birth, helping to maintain their population levels, sustain food webs and preserve balance in delicate ecosystems. Take our quiz to see how species mating rituals come into play.
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  • Volunteers helping with wetland restoration (Photo by NCC)
    How much do you know about wetlands?

    Wetlands are one of Canada’s most important ecosystems. Take our quiz and learn more about wetlands and how they impact nature.
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