Bat research, SK (Photo by NCC/Joseph Poissant)

Bat research, SK (Photo by NCC/Joseph Poissant)

Applied Conservation Research at NCC

The Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) is an evidence-based organization that uses the best available information to identify priority conservation actions. Research is essential in evaluating threats to biodiversity and comparing the effectiveness of conservation strategies.

NCC partners with researchers from academia, government and other non-governmental organizations to conduct research on NCC land across Canada. In addition, NCC’s national Weston Family Science Program will oversee new conservation research projects and partnerships to address pressing conservation challenges and inform conservation planning.

At NCC, we contribute to the knowledge of Canada’s biodiversity by documenting occurrences of rare species and ecosystems in the natural areas where we work. When the status of a rare species or the effectiveness of our conservation strategies is unknown, we engage in research to close these knowledge gaps so that we can revise and improve our management practices.

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