Technicians survey tree in the field (Photo by NCC)

Technicians survey tree in the field (Photo by NCC)

Featured research

Featured research stories are from Land Lines, the Nature Conservancy of Canada blog.

  • Great blue heron with a cityscape in the background (Photo by iStock)

    World Habitat Day 2021: There is no protected habitat too small to benefit biodiversity

    October 4 is World Habitat Day, and it's followed by Urban October, a month that encourages us to reflect on the state of our towns and cities
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  • Opegrapha parmeliiperda, cross section of one fruiting body showing four-celled spores developing inside spore sacs; blue colour result of treatment with potassium hydroxide followed by Lugol’s iodine solution. (Photo courtesy of Kendra Driscoll)

    Discoveries in little-known fungi: Adventures in looking at lichens

    Five lichenicolous fungi in the genus Opegrapha have been reported for the first time in New Brunswick, including two species new to science!
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  • Next Creek alpine lake (Photo by Steve Ogle)

    What will we save? The conservation decisions we make today will impact Canada’s wildlife forever

    How do conservationists decide what areas to conserve? A tool called the Conservation Assessment of Southern Canada can help practitioners...
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  • A male western bluebird perches on a fence in southern British Columbia. Note the coloured leg bands, which allow observers to identify the bird. (Photo by Catherine Dale)

    Bluebirds of frustration and happiness

    The trials and tribulations of a researcher's attempts to catch bluebirds in the Okanagan, for science.
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  • The view from the top of Mt. McGregor capturing some of the remote and wild terrain within the Darkwoods Conservation Area. (Photo by Stephanie Jouvet)

    Whitebark pine research in the Darkwoods Conservation Area

    In Canada, whitebark pine is federally listed as endangered under the Species at Risk Act. How does remote sensing help distinguish whitebark...
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  • A flock of shorebirds takes to the air at Oak/Plum Lake Important Bird Area, a migration stopover site in Manitoba. The mixed-species flock includes Wilson’s phalaropes, red-necked phalaropes, stilt sandpipers, pectoral sandpipers, dunlin, white-rumped sandpipers and semipalmated sandpipers. (Photo by Christian Artuso)

    How do you solve a problem like migration?

    For many years, the only approach was to mark animals with bands or tags in the hopes of re-sighting them somewhere else. But the sheer number...
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  • A tree swallow sits on a barbed wire fence (Photo by Lisha Berzins)

    Using migration patterns to understand bird population declines

    Learn about the migratory patterns of tree swallows and how this informs conservation efforts for this species.
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  • The western rattlesnake. (Photo by Stephanie Winton)

    Don’t forget to brake for snakes

    Stephanie Winston and her colleagues at BC’s Thompson Rivers University and Environment and Climate Change Canada have been studying roadkill...
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