Burrowing owls (Photo by Don Dabbs)

Burrowing owls (Photo by Don Dabbs)

Conservation 101

  • Garden in the fall (Photo by Jaimee Morozoff/NCC staff)
    10 things you can do in the fall to maintain a healthy garden

    Fall is a great time to connect with nature in your yard and prepare your garden for the colder months ahead so you can look forward to a glorious spring garden.
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  • Prairie crocus (Photo by Karol Dabbs)
    10 ways to get your garden ready for spring

    Although the weather across the country is slowly warming, most plants are still dormant. That makes it a great time to start planning and preparing your garden for spring.
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  • Prairie rose (Photo by Karol Dabbs)
    10 ways to get your garden ready for summer

    Our tips for maintaining your garden now that spring is in full swing.
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  • Hoary redpoll (Photo by NCC)
    10 ways to get your garden ready for winter

    Ensure your garden's ready for the cold, ice and snow of a Canadian winter with these tips.
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  • Carden Alvar, ON (Photo by NCC)
    Alvars 101

    Alvars are naturally open habitats with either a thin covering of soil or no soil over a base of limestone or dolostone. Their unique geologic and physical characteristics set the stage for natural communities that simply cannot exist elsewhere.
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  • Andrea Mosher, Port Joli, NS (Photo by NCC)
    Baseline inventories 101

    Shortly after the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) acquires a new property, staff need to complete a baseline inventory. This gives NCC a snapshot of the land, species and ecosystems present upon it at the time of purchase.
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  • Spring peeper (Photo by Ryan M. Bolton)
    Biodiversity 101

    Simply put, biodiversity is the variety of plants and animals in the world, or in a particular area. If the earth's living systems are to remain strong and healthy, those systems must have a high level of biodiversity - our well-being depends on it.
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  • Walruses, Lancaster Sound (Photo by Mario Cyr)
    Canada's Arctic 101

    Canada’s Arctic extends from the tree line, through the Arctic Archipelago to the North Pole.
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  • Lighthouse at Sandy Point, Newfoundland and Labrador (Photo by Aiden Mahoney)
    Canada's East Coast 101

    Canada’s East Coast includes the island of Newfoundland, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia and the majority of New Brunswick.
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  • Grey wolf (Photo by Gary Kramer, courtesy of USFWS)
    Common species 101

    We often hear a lot about rare, endangered or disappearing species — species that are in need of swift action to save them. There is no doubt that they are important to talk about. How else do we raise awareness about the last populations of plants and animals that we could lose forever?
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