Invasive purple loosestrife (Photo by Mike Dembeck)

Invasive purple loosestrife (Photo by Mike Dembeck)

Invasive Species Gallery

  • Wild parsnip (Photo by J M, Wikimedia Commons)
    Wild parsnip

    Wild parsnip is a member of the carrot/parsley family and is recognizable by its yellow-green flowers. The plants grow wild along roadsides and other unmaintained areas and produce yellow flowers that appear similar in shape to those of Queen Anne’s lace. This plant is usually found in abandoned fields, meadows, yards, roadsides, railways and trails with moist to dry soils. The plant sap contains chemicals that can cause severe burns to eyes and skin.

  • Woodland angelica (Photo by Wikimedia Commons)
    Woodland angelica

    Woodland angelica may seem quite similar to queen-Anne's lace, but beware: it's actually a member of the celery family and a serious invader of wooded edges and moist open areas in New Brunswick.

  • Yellow flag iris (Photo from Wikimedia Commons)
    Yellow iris

    Yellow iris is an invasive species that poses a great threat to fragile wetland ecosystems.

  • Zebra mussel (Photo by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency)
    Zebra mussel

    Zebra mussels are freshwater mussels measuring around 2.5 centimetres long on average, but can grow up to four centimetres. They are an invasive species that has spread from their native Black Sea region of eastern Europe and western Asia waters to Canada.

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