Gary oak habitat (Photo by Tim Ennis)

Gary oak habitat (Photo by Tim Ennis)

Donor Spotlight

  • Jeff Cooke (Photo by Margaret Cooke)
    Jeff Cooke/Cooke Insurance

    Jeff Cooke first invested in the Nature Conservancy of Canada in 2015. His company engaged in a novel, three-year partnership with NCC through the Landmark Campaign.

  • Bolton Hills (Photo by NCC)
    Q&A with Joan, long-time NCC donor in Quebec

    Joan has been a faithful and committed donor to the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) since 2004. Learn about her affinity for nature and why she remains a long-time supporter of NCC.

  • Pierre Des Marais II (Photo courtesy of Pierre Des Marais)
    Pierre Des Marais II, OC: adviser, nature lover and friend

    The Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) owes its success to a variety of partners: businesspeople, members of our board, donors and friends. Pierre Des Marais II belonged to all of these categories.

  • Gary Doer (Photo courtesy of Gary Doer)
    Gary Doer

    Gary Doer was premier of Manitoba from 1999 to 2009. He legislated Manitoba’s commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and introduced provincial water protection legislation. He also partnered with the Nature Conservancy of Canada to establish a shared conservation funding model.

  • Sharon Downs (Photo courtesy of Sharon Downs)
    Sharon Downs

    Sharon supported both the Buffalo Pound project in Saskatchewan and Bunchberry Meadows in Alberta. She has also included NCC in her Will.

  • Sharon Downs
    Sharon Downs

    NCC Donor

  • David Dubé (Photo courtesy of David Dubé)
    David Dubé

    David Dubé knows the stereotype: real estate developers are out to pave the world. But he’s made it his lifelong mission to debunk it.

  • Joan Feather (Photo courtesy of Joan Feather)
    Joan Feather

    Joan Feather is a hero for grasslands in Saskatchewan. She is a shining example of thousands of NCC donors who support our work from coast to coast to coast.

  • Joan Feather, NCC donor
    Joan Feather

    NCC donor

  • Areez Gangji (Photo courtesy of Areez Gangji)
    Areez Gangji

    At the top of Areez Gangji's list of charitable organizations is the Nature Conservancy of Canada. He makes flexible gifts to NCC, and NCC spends his donations on projects of greatest need.

  • Jack Gin (Photo courtesy of Jack Gin)
    Jack Gin

    Jack Gin's gift was combined with other generous donations and funding from the Government of Canada to create NCC’s Saaxwan conservation area.

  • Marianne Girling (Photo courtesy of Karen Girling)
    Marianne Girling

    Marianne Girling’s passion for nature and philanthropy lives on through a generous gift in her Will.

  • Paul Archer (NCC), Denis Paradis (Government of Canada), Jean Laporte (NCC), Isabelle Charest (Government of Quebec), Robert Winsor (donor), Marie-Josée Auclair (Appalachian Corridor), Joël Bonin (NCC), Mélanie Lelièvre (Appalachian Corridor), Michel Saucier (donor), Gisèle Beaulieu (donor), Jacques Drolet (Bolton-Ouest) and Bertrand Larivée (Conservation lac à la Truite Orford) (Photo by Martin Beaulieu)
    They’re protecting the Green Mountains

    Sometimes, it’s a special love for a region that motivates our donors. A look at our recent recognition event in the heart of the Green Mountains, in the Eastern Townships, is a shining example of that.

  • Mrs. Jean Harwood and Mr. Richard Gregson (Photo courtesy of the Gregsons)
    Portrait of two precious NCC donors in Quebec

    We sat down with,Mr. Richard Gregson and Mrs. Jean Harwood Gregson, a couple of our committed donors in Quebec, to get a sense what kind of legacy they hope to leave for future generations.

  • Lynda Griffiths (Photo by Nathan Elson)
    Lynda Griffiths

    Thanks to the support of a broad range of funders, including a gift from Lynda Griffiths, NCC has added the Next Creek lands to Darkwoods, expanding the property by 7,900 hectares (19,500 acres).

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