Jeremy Hogan (Photo courtesy Jeremy Hogan)

Jeremy Hogan (Photo courtesy Jeremy Hogan)

Jeremy Hogan

Jeremy Hogan is the development officer for the Nature Conservancy of Canada’s (NCC’s) major gifts grant program. He identifies and applies for grant funding opportunities to support NCC’s projects, and manages the reporting and tracking required for NCC’s awarded grants.

Jeremy joined NCC in April 2022. He was fortunate to work in wildlife research for many years and experienced first-hand the importance and efficacy of land-based conservation initiatives.

Jeremy holds an MA in anthropology (primatology) and a bachelor of science degree in biology. He worked as a researcher technician with the University of Calgary’s bioanthropology group. He conducted primate ecology and conservation research, managed the unit’s multi-site database, and supported faculty and graduate students with their grant applications, research design, data management and analysis, and technical writing. Prior to his work at the University of Calgary, he worked as an environmental consultant in northern BC specializing in remediation of abandoned mines and oil and gas sites.

Jeremy loves any excuse to get out to the mountains, whether hiking, cycling, skiing (cross-country and downhill), or just letting the kids run around! In town, he tries to stay active with rec sports, including ultimate frisbee, flag football and shinny.

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