Healthy, grazed grasslands contain a diversity of wildflowers (Photo by Leta Pezderic / NCC Staff)

Healthy, grazed grasslands contain a diversity of wildflowers (Photo by Leta Pezderic / NCC Staff)

Nature Conservancy of Canada celebrates successful campaign to conserve McIntyre Ranch

April 22, 2024
Calgary, AB


Landmark achievement for grassland conservation in Alberta showcases the power of partnership and community support

The Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) is thrilled to announce the successful completion of its fundraising campaign to conserve McIntyre Ranch.

This remarkable conservation agreement project, located on the Milk River Ridge approximately 40 miles south of Lethbridge, Alberta, is a testament to the power of collaboration and community engagement in conserving one of the planet’s most endangered ecosystems, Canada’s Prairie grasslands. Conservation easements are legal mechanisms that protect the natural value of land through a voluntary agreement ensuring land will remain in a natural state in perpetuity, while allowing the landowner to continue sustainable use like cattle ranching.

McIntyre Ranch, a historic and internationally renowned property spanning over 22,000 hectares, features extensive grasslands and wetlands. Its large size, diverse landforms, remarkable biodiversity and history of sustainable land management make this achievement a significant conservation milestone.

This property, alongside the adjacent Ross Lake Natural Area and NCC's Sandstone Ranch, forms part of a contiguous area of conserved grasslands covering over 26,000 hectares — an invaluable sanctuary for many imperilled grassland species.

Conservation significance and achievements:

  • Legacy of stewardship: McIntyre Ranch represents more than a century-long commitment to sustainable range management and stewardship by multiple generations of landowners, including the Thralls, who remain owners and operators of the ranch.
  • Partnership for conservation: This achievement is the result of a strategic partnership between the Thralls, NCC and Ducks Unlimited Canada (DUC), demonstrating how collaboration leads to impactful conservation outcomes.
  • Ecological importance: McIntyre Ranch contains some of Canada's most significant uninterrupted blocks of rough fescue grasslands and over 1,000 hectares of wetlands. These crucial habitats are home to an abundance of wildlife and support under-recognized ecosystem services, including carbon storage and water filtration.
  • Biodiversity and habitat: The property is home to over 150 species of birds, mammals, amphibians, reptiles and fish. Recent wildlife surveys have revealed 27 species of concern living there, including ferruginous hawk (threatened), chestnut-collared longspur (threatened) and American badger (special concern).

Making conservation history possible

This monumental conservation achievement was made possible by the dedication and visionary stewardship of the Thrall family. Their commitment and willingness to partner with NCC and DUC showcases a profound understanding of the importance of conserving our Prairie grasslands for future generations.

The success of this project also serves as a testament to the generosity and vision of our donors. We extend our gratitude to the hundreds of individuals from across Canada who contributed to this historic conservation effort. Your support has made an incredible impact, and it instills hope for the future of our Prairie grasslands.

Contributions were also made by the Government of Alberta, through the Alberta Land Trust Grant Program, by the Government of Canada, through the Natural Heritage Conservation Program, part of Canada’s Nature Fund, by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, through the North American Wetlands Conservation Act, and by private contributors, including Cenovus Energy, the Gerald A. Cooper-Key Foundation and the Weston Family Foundation, through the Weston Family Prairie Grasslands Initiative. This project was also supported by the Government of Canada’s Ecological Gifts Program, which provides significant tax benefits for individuals or corporations who donate ecologically sensitive land or interests in ecologically sensitive land like a conservation easement.

What's next for McIntyre Ranch?

The Thralls will continue to own and operate McIntyre Ranch with stewardship support by NCC and DUC. The conservation easement will ensure McIntyre Ranch will continue to be an intact, natural working landscape in perpetuity.

The creation of the McIntyre Ranch conservation agreement and securing its funding is just the first chapter of this exciting project. NCC, DUC and McIntyre Ranching Ltd. will be working in partnership to ensure the incredible nature on the ranch lasts for generations, carrying on the legacy of both the McIntyres, the original owners of the ranch, and the Thralls.

The property will continue to be sustainably grazed by cattle under the management of McIntyre Ranching Co. Ltd. Cattle, other livestock, and grazing wildlife are important to grassland health. When properly managed, cattle grazing behaviour can approximate the historic actions of bison, which were a significant factor in the evolution of a healthy prairie grassland ecosystem. Many species need shorter grass to survive, while others need longer grass. This disturbance, along with fire, helps maintain grassland health and creates diverse habitats for many plants and animals.

Proof of protecting our Prairie grasslands

NCC’s Prairie Grasslands Action Plan is an unprecedented effort to rally Canadians to protect one of the world’s most endangered ecosystems. The plan will lead efforts to conserve more than 500,000 hectares by 2030 — an area six times the size of Calgary — and a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Conserving McIntyre Ranch is proof that large-scale Prairie grassland conservation projects are not only possible but also achievable through collaboration, community engagement, and a shared commitment to protecting our natural heritage. Following the success of McIntyre Ranch, NCC is eager to continue its grassland conservation efforts in partnership with landowners and ranchers, other land trusts, governments, Indigenous peoples, and private donors across the Canadian Prairies.


“The successful completion of the McIntyre Ranch campaign underscores the power of collaboration and community engagement in conserving Canada's Prairie grasslands. We hope this significant milestone is just one of many future achievements in our collective efforts to safeguard one our planet's most endangered ecosystems while ensuring a sustainable ranching future" – Tom Lynch-Staunton, Regional Vice-President, Nature Conservancy of Canada


The Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) is the country’s unifying force for nature. NCC seeks solutions to the twin crises of rapid biodiversity loss and climate change through large-scale, permanent land conservation. As a trusted partner, NCC works with people, communities, businesses and government to protect and care for our country’s most important natural areas. Since 1962, NCC has brought Canadians together to conserve and restore more than 15 million hectares. To learn more, visit natureconservancy.ca.

The Government of Alberta created the Alberta Land Trust Grant program in 2011 — a program designed to support land trusts such as the Nature Conservancy of Canada to assist in the purchase and stewardship of conservation agreements on ecologically significant landscapes and donations of land with high conservation value.

The Government of Canada’s Natural Heritage Conservation Program is a unique partnership that supports the creation and recognition of protected and conserved areas through the acquisition of private land and private interest in land. To date, the Government of Canada has invested more than $470 million in the program, which has been matched with more than $982 million in contributions raised by the Nature Conservancy of Canada, Ducks Unlimited Canada and the country’s land trust community, leading to the protection and conservation of nearly 800,000 hectares of ecologically sensitive lands.

Canada’s Ecological Gifts Program provides a way for Canadians with ecologically sensitive land to protect nature and leave a legacy for future generations. Made possible by the terms of the Income Tax Act of Canada and the Quebec Taxation Act, it offers significant tax benefits to landowners who donate land or a partial interest in land to a qualified recipient. Recipients ensure that the land’s biodiversity and environmental heritage are conserved in perpetuity.

The Weston Family Prairie Grasslands Initiative – Stewardship Investment Program is a multi-year collaboration (2021–2024) to celebrate, steward and protect one of Canada’s most ecologically valuable and threatened ecosystems: native Prairie grasslands. Through this initiative, the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) will bring together a diverse group of individuals and organizations to accelerate the adoption of sustainable approaches to help conserve grasslands and improve on farm sustainability and viability. For more information, visit prairiegrasslandsinitiative.ca.

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Sean Feagan
Media & Communications Coordinator
Alberta Region
Mobile: (587) 707-6045

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