Bunchberry Meadows is always in need of volunteers to walk its trails (Photo by NCC)

Bunchberry Meadows is always in need of volunteers to walk its trails (Photo by NCC)

NCC Alberta’s 2023 volunteer highlights

Volunteers surveyed birds at NCC's Campbell Property (Photo by NCC)

Volunteers surveyed birds at NCC's Campbell Property (Photo by NCC)

From surveying species to stewarding properties, NCC's conservation volunteers made a difference in Alberta in 2023!

Since its inception, NCC’s volunteer program has helped us achieve important conservation work on the ground, while connecting Albertans to nature.

This year, the program's 22 projects comprised a collective effort of more than 800 volunteer hours. This is the equivalent of almost $64,000 in volunteer labour costs that NCC has saved.

Cameras for Conservation

In 2023, the Linking Landscapes crew marked another year of volunteer-driven wildlife monitoring efforts in the Crowsnest Pass.

Linking Landscapes volunteers attend to a camera (Photo by NCC)

Linking Landscapes volunteers attend to a camera (Photo by NCC)

This year, 44 strategically placed cameras captured an abundance of wildlife images. The dedication of 24 volunteers played a pivotal role in this success, resulting in the identification of an impressive 700,000 photos of species from the one million that were taken. The hope is this information will ultimately help direct new wildlife crossings on Highway 3.

Weed Whackers

NCC launched the Adopt-a-Patch program at Golden Ranches in the Beaver Hills this year to combat invasive species and support habitat restoration.

NCC's new Adopt-A-Patch Program was a great success! (Photo by NCC)

NCC's new Adopt-A-Patch Program was a great success! (Photo by NCC)

Volunteers weeded designated patches of invasive species throughout the summer.

Their collective efforts eradicated 33 weed patches spanning 1,700 square metres. The program's success has prompted NCC to look to adopt it at other conservation properties in Alberta.

Fences Down, Spirits Up              

Volunteers from Wild Outside, an organization dedicated to inspiring youth to connect with nature, made a difference for wildlife by removing old barbed-wire fences at a conservation property near Canmore. Removing fences is important because they are barriers to wildlife movement and can also injure or even kill wildlife. By taking them down, we ensure landscapes are better connected.

Bee-autiful Discovery

At NCC's The Yarrow property near Twin Butte, the Alberta Native Bee Council led a volunteer event to sample and study pollinators, emphasizing their ecological importance.

Volunteers identify a bee during a pollinator survey (Photo by NCC)

Volunteers identify a bee during a pollinator survey (Photo by NCC)

Through collection and identification, this event showcased pollinator diversity and ecology, while underscoring the importance of their conservation.

Birds of a Feather

On a sunny spring day, volunteers spent a morning of birding at NCC's Campbell Property in the Beaver Hills.

This event, held in partnership with Beaver Hills Biosphere, engaged bird enthusiasts and helped gather important baseline data, while demonstrating the importance of conservation in the region. Some amazing species were recorded, including western tanager, veery and common yellowthroat!

Thanks a Bunch!

NCC's Trail Stewards Program involves 21 volunteers who help protect the beloved Bunchberry Meadows. These committed stewards patrol the property, address any issues, and diligently document both visitor usage and the species calling this special place home.

Making Volunteering Possible

We would like to extend a special thank you to the TD Friends of the Environment Foundation, the Edmonton Community Foundation, and the Clean Foundation - Science Horizons Internship Program. Your partnership and financial support have been instrumental in empowering our volunteers to make a positive and lasting impact on the environment and the communities we serve.

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