Devil's club, Ellerslie Creek, BC (Photo by NCC)

Devil's club, Ellerslie Creek, BC (Photo by NCC)

Alan Murray (Image courtesy of Alan Murray)

Alan Murray (Image courtesy of Alan Murray)

Alan Murray

Development Assistant


Tel: 1.877.231.3552 Ext. 8215

How did you come to join the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) team?  

I recently moved to Vancouver from Scotland and, while looking to begin my post-graduate career, came across the posting for development assistant. After looking into the position, and NCC, I was excited and inspired by the commitment to conservation and the progressive ideals we share.

What is your educational background and previous experience?

I have a bachelor’s degree in biological sciences from Edinburgh Napier University, focusing in my final year on a research project inventing a novel photogrammetry technique to assess woodland understory complexity and diversity, and a master’s in environmental management from the University of Stirling, this time focusing on the effect of socioeconomic factors on public perceptions of air pollution. This research ignited my passion for both environmental protection and conservation, as well as a real interest in the understanding of marginalized communities and environmental injustice.

What are you hoping to achieve through your work at NCC?

I aim to contribute toward the consistent work of NCC in conserving Canada’s natural lands and hope to build relationships with colleagues and the community. I hope to help protect and maintain Canada’s beautiful landscapes, cultures and communities while advancing the fight for reduction in environmental inequalities. A little more selfishly, I hope to explore and educate myself on more of the landscapes and wildlife within British Columbia, especially the ones NCC protects.

What is your favourite place in nature?

Back home in Scotland we have over 31,000 freshwater lakes, or as we call them, lochs, which amount to 90 per cent of the UK’s surface fresh water. Though often very, very cold, these lochs are my favourite places to spend time swimming and their bonny banks are among my favourite places to camp. My favourite of these is Loch Venachar, partly because of the beautiful scenery and surrounding areas and partly because of the many unforgettable nights spent around a campfire there with friends. I hope to find somewhere in Canada that makes me feel the same way, and with such similarities between the two countries, I doubt it will take me very long.

What are your hobbies/interests outside work?

I love camping and being outdoors, as well as enjoying reading and painting all the better if outdoors. I often challenge myself to read 52 books a year. However, as of recently, I have been slacking although now I have obtained a Vancouver Public Library card and so now have no excuses! I’m also a big fan of music (currently going through a Scottish 80s bands phase) and love going to gigs and festivals.

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