Cindy McCallum, GIS and conservation planning analyst (Photo by Boyd Fischer)

Cindy McCallum, GIS and conservation planning analyst (Photo by Boyd Fischer)

Cindy McCallum

GIS Manager
Kamloops, BC

C: 250-208-1123

How did you come to join the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC)?

I started in May 2016 as an intern for both the BC and Alberta Regions, then was hired on to work for BC when the internship was over in September.

What is your educational background and previous experience?

I have a BSc in zoology from the University of British Columbia and, more recently, an advanced diploma in GIS from Selkirk College. I worked for many years as a research technician for a professor at the University of Alberta, working on large- and small-scale research projects on bird communities in forested landscapes. I got my start in GIS there. In the past several years, I worked as a private consultant in BC involved in a variety of projects, including bird surveys, nest searching, environmental assessments, and endangered species threat assessments and salvage.

What are you hoping to achieve through your work at NCC?

I enjoy being in a supporting role and hope to provide excellent mapping and analysis support for regional staff. I hope to combine my biology background with my GIS skills to help NCC achieve its conservation goals.

Describe a typical day at work.

Every day I create maps, do some analysis of spatial data, and field questions and requests from colleagues. Some days are highly focused on one project; on other days I may work on several different projects. I like the way the work takes me (digitally) across the province, and every day I learn something new.

What are your hobbies/interests outside work?

I enjoy hiking, mountain biking, gardening, birding, cross-country skiing and pretty much anything else that gets me outside. I also love to travel, both within beautiful British Columbia and afar.

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