Devil's club, Ellerslie Creek, BC (Photo by NCC)

Devil's club, Ellerslie Creek, BC (Photo by NCC)

Jolene Rudisuela (Image courtesy of Jolene Rudisuela)

Jolene Rudisuela (Image courtesy of Jolene Rudisuela)

Jolene Rudisuela

Communications Coordinator


How did you come to join the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) team?

I have known about NCC for a while and really value its work protecting and conservaing natural places. I've always been pasisonate about environmental issues, so when I saw the posting for this job, I jumped on the opportunity to apply. I'm excited to be able to contribute to everything NCC does.

What is your educational background and previous experience?

I graduated from Mount Royal University with a communications degree, majoring in journalism. I spent four years after graduating working as a reporter, freelancer and editor. Though I covered a wide variety of topics as a journalist, I often gravitated to stories about the environment: from water to wildlife to climate change. Most recently as a journalist and editor with Capital Daily, I told stories about the decline and the potential rebound of the Jordan River salmon, the key role of the Indigenous guardians on the West Coast Trail, and the significance of the northernmost elephant seal rookery.

What are you hoping to achieve through your work at the Nature Conservancy of Canada?

I'm really excited to write and tell stories about the beautiful places across BC that NCC is working to protect. I hope to convey the incredible value of these lands and the abundant life that flourishes there. I'm also so excited to learn more about land-based conservation and contribute to NCC's important work in whatever other ways I can.

What is your favourite place in nature?

I hiked the West Coast Trail last summer and created some incredible memories on that stretch of remote coast. A particularly fond memory was camping at the base of the roaring Tsusiat Falls, cooling my aching feet in the water and watching the sunset.

What are your hobbies/interests outside of work?

I love creating art, playing guitar and violin, and reading in the sunshine. I also, of course, spend lots of time outside, hiking, camping, paddleboarding and biking.

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