Lesley Neilson, Communications Director (Photo by Emrys Miller)

Lesley Neilson, Communications Director (Photo by Emrys Miller)

Lesley Marian Neilson

Communications Director
Victoria, BC

C: 250-661-2969

How did you come to join the NCC team?  

I had been searching for a job that would combine my interests in communications and the environment, so when the posting for this job fell into my lap I knew it was the position for me. Thankfully the hiring committee agreed! I've been with NCC since 2008.

What is your educational background and previous experience?

I have a BA in creative writing and environmental studies and and MEd in leadership studies, both from the University of Victoria. My work experience has included toiling in the magazine industry, campaigning on the frontlines of environmental issues, working in government and freelance writing and editing.

What are you hoping to achieve through your work at NCC?

We have so many stories to tell, and it's a privilege to be entrusted to tell them. I hope through my work these tales of conservation and heart inspire others to respect, be curious about and ultimately help protect the natural world. We are nothing without it.

Describe a typical day at work.

My days involve some or all of the following: writing, reading, editing, coordinating projects, designing materials, organizing events, engaging media, strategizing, pitching, listening, learning. 

What are your hobbies/interests outside work?

I am a sailor, potter, writer, reader, gardener, mother, partner, friend, thinker, dreamer and nature lover.

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