Devil's club, Ellerslie Creek, BC (Photo by NCC)

Devil's club, Ellerslie Creek, BC (Photo by NCC)

Sam Swanson (Image courtesy of Sam Swanson)

Sam Swanson (Image courtesy of Sam Swanson)

Sam Swanson

Development Officer


How did you come to join the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) team?  

It’s an age-old story of "right place, right time." It had become high time for a career switch for me — I was looking to join a purpose-driven organization in order to feel fulfilled. I grew up in nature on the West Coast, and I’m so happy I found a place I can work that has aligned values and is working to protect the places I love. 

What is your educational background and previous experience?

All of my post-secondary accomplishments were undertaken at the British Columbia Institute of Technology. My undergrad degree is in business administration with a focus on business intelligence and value management. I am also currently in the middle of completing an advanced diploma in sustainable business leadership.

My work experience has been mostly in business development and account management in the fashion and consumer packaged-goods industries. Previously for me, success in the workplace has always been measured in profit, so I am very happy to be part of a workplace where success is created through so much more than just numbers on a page.

What are you hoping to achieve through your work at NCC?

I am very excited to dive head-first into purpose-driven work that I know is contributing to positive change.

Personally, I am looking forward to gaining knowledge within donor management and the non-profit world in general. I am also excited to meet like-minded people; I think hearing the varied stories within our communities will help me gain a better understanding of the land I love to explore.

Professionally, I hope to make true strides in understanding and strengthening communities within BC. If my day-to-day contributions are helping people with actionable answers to the question “what can I do to help?” then I know I’ve accomplished something meaningful.

What is your favourite place in nature?

All of the most beautiful places I’ve ever been happen to be where the forest meets the ocean. If I can get to an off-the-beaten-path area and get a true disconnect from the hustle and bustle, I can feel a significant difference in the way I move, think and breathe.

What are your hobbies/interests outside work?

I spend a lot of time in nature with my best friend, Liesl, who is a German shorthaired pointer with endless puppy-like energy. We hike, camp and chase the sun, and I often end an adventure with one of my favourite craft beers.

I also love to snowboard, rock climb, dance, travel and listen to live music (pretty much all genres).

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