Devil's club, Ellerslie Creek, BC (Photo by NCC)

Devil's club, Ellerslie Creek, BC (Photo by NCC)

Sarah Bayliff (Photo by Brandon Williams)

Sarah Bayliff (Photo by Brandon Williams)

Sarah Bayliff

Interior Program Manager


How did you come to join the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) team? 

When nearing the completion of my graduate degree, I was looking for a position that would allow me to use the skills I gained through my education and outdoor work, while contributing toward environmental welfare. Working with NCC allows me to achieve each of these career goals. Having grown up in the West Chilcotin, I now get to help manage NCC’s properties in this region, which allows me to learn more about conservation practices while contributing to the conservation of nature in an area to which I am rooted.

What is your educational background and previous experience?

In 2019, I received a bachelor of science degree in biology from Thompson Rivers University (TRU). After spending a year working as a research assistant, I pursued my master's of science in environmental science also at TRU, graduating in 2022.

From growing up and working on a cattle ranch in the interior of BC, I gained experience with aspects of animal and land management, while also increasing my passion for nature. As a research assistant, I worked on many different ecosystem restoration and reclamation projects, including projects focusing on range management and climate change adaptation. Along with developing my field skills, my graduate research also enabled me to take on teaching roles and volunteer opportunities, allowing me to increase my understanding and experience in different fields of environmental science and biology. I am grateful to have a position that allows me to apply the skills gained through my education and spend time outdoors in nature!

What are you hoping to achieve through your work at the Nature Conservancy of Canada?

I hope to further develop my knowledge of conservation practices while contributing to the protection of natural ecosystems throughout the interior of British Columbia.

What is your favourite place in nature?

Some of my favourite places are remote areas along rivers that you have to hike in to. I find these areas peaceful and undisturbed from a lack of human traffic.

What are your hobbies/interests outside work?

Biking, hiking, fly fishing and going for runs with my dog!

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