Steven Godfrey, BC (Photo courtesy S. Godfrey/NCC staff)

Steven Godfrey, BC (Photo courtesy S. Godfrey/NCC staff)

Steven Godfrey

Director, West Coast Program
Victoria, BC

C: 778-655-2626
O: 250-361-5278

How did you come to join the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC)?

Sometimes things just work out! I had accumulated a decent stretch of experience working on a pretty wide assortment of conservation lands and stewardship projects here on the West Coast, and I suppose I just happened to be a good fit with NCC at the right time. Of course, the opportunity to work for Canada's top land conservation organization was definitely something I couldn't pass up!

What is your educational background and previous experience?

My educational background has been fairly broad — from geography and restoration to environmental sustainability and community planning. As far as job experience goes, I've spent the bulk of my career working with non-profits and governments at all levels to protect, manage and restore sensitive ecosystems here on Vancouver Island. I've also been fortunate enough to have done some exciting work with the Marmot Recovery Foundation, and with a few different parks and environmental services departments within a local government context.

What are you hoping to achieve through your work at NCC?

With a background of experience that was pretty “Vancouver Island–centric,” I am enjoying the opportunity to expand my knowledge and skill set more broadly across the region. And, of course on some level, we're all trying to save the world, right? Operating at a local scale while being part of a larger overall conservation effort is the best way I can think to help make sure that the things I took for granted growing up like clean water, mature forests and wildlife remain here for the next generation.

Describe a typical day at work.

Ideally (to me), there would never be a “typical” work day, and that's what I love about this line of work! Being focused on such a variety of stewardship projects and conservation initiatives helps to keep things interesting, and there's always something new to figure out when it comes to the land management side of things. I've never really been good at describing what I do on a day-to-day basis to friends and family, and that's probably because one day I'll be staring at spreadsheets on the computer screen, and the next I'll be out at a wetland knee deep in the muck!

What are your hobbies/interests outside of work?

I am always down for doing fun stuff outdoors! Outside of work, I fill my time with mountain biking, hiking, surfing, camping and playing music. 

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