Trevor Reid (Photo courtesy T. Reid)

Trevor Reid (Photo courtesy T. Reid)

Trevor Reid

Director, Planning & Innovation


How did you come to join the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC)?  

I have been passionate about wild places from a young age and they continue to inspire me today. It is critical to me that these places remain wild and continue to inspire future generations. Working with NCC allows me to contribute my expertise to the protection of Canada’s natural diversity. 

What is your educational background and previous experience?

Prior to joining the BC team, I spent 10 years working for NCC in Alberta as the manager of conservation planning and spatial analysis. I have degrees in geographic information systems from Selkirk College and in geography from Lakehead University.

What are you hoping to achieve through your work at the Nature Conservancy of Canada?

I hope to lead the development and application of spatial technologies that will empower the region to interpret complex data, measure the effectiveness of our actions and communicate the impact of our conservation work. 

What is your favourite place in nature?

That is a difficult question to answer. I suppose for me it would be any place in nature where I’m removed from distractions, feel fully present and can find complete contentment. That could be high in the alpine or in my backyard.

What are your hobbies/interests outside work?

I am a trail runner, musician, skier/snowboarder, fly-fisherman and above all a dad. I enjoy dark coffee, hoppy beer, a good book and being a dad.

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