Birds of Maber Flats
Black-necked stilt (Photo by Stuart Clarke)
Black-necked stilt chick (Photo by Stuart Clarke)
American widgeon, northern pintail and mallard (Photo by Stuart Clarke)
Green-winged teal (Photo by Stuart Clarke)
Cinnamon teal (Photo by Stuart Clarke)
Blue-winged teal (Photo by Stuart Clarke)
American goldfinch (Photo by Stuart Clarke)
Brewer's blackbird (Photo by Stuart Clarke)
Common nighthawk (Photo by Stuart Clarke)
Killdeer (Photo by Stuart Clarke)
Killdeer nest (Photo by Stuart Clarke)
Lesser yellowlegs (Photo by Stuart Clarke)
Northern harrier (Photo by Stuart Clarke)
Northern shoveler (Photo by Stuart Clarke)
Pectoral sandpiper (Photo by Stuart Clarke)
Peregrine falcon (Photo by Stuart Clarke)
Purple martin (Photo by Stuart Clarke)
Red-winged blackbird (Photo by Stuart Clarke)
Red-tailed hawk (Photo by Stuart Clarke)
Rough-legged hawk (Photo by Stuart Clarke)
Rufous hummingbird (Photo by Stuart Clarke)
Spotted sandpiper (Photo by Stuart Clarke)
Turkey vulture (Photo by Stuart Clarke)
Violet-green swallow (Photo by Stuart Clarke)
Tree swallow (Photo by Stuart Clarke)
Tree swallow (Photo by Stuart Clarke)
Savannah sparrow (Photo by Stuart Clarke)
Western sandpiper (Photo by Stuart Clarke)
Red-necked phalarope (Photo by Stuart Clarke)
Trumpeter swan (Photo by Stuart Clarke)