Bumble Bee on Northern Yellow Point-Vetch (Photo by Manitoba Museum)

Bumble Bee on Northern Yellow Point-Vetch (Photo by Manitoba Museum)

Photo by L. Greaves

Photo by L. Greaves

Lisa Greaves

Information Coordinator

Lisa Greaves is the information coordinator for the Nature Conservancy of Canada's (NCC's) Manitoba Region. Lisa’s background is in wildlife behavioural ecology, graduating with a BSc in biology from the University of Winnipeg and an MSc in biology from the University of Saskatchewan.

Prior to NCC, Lisa’s work included projects on distress calls and predator avoidance behaviour in species ranging from common cuttlefish to white-tailed deer. Lisa’s passion for the outdoors and Manitoba’s natural spaces led her to work as an intern at NCC, where she was involved in a variety of stewardship and science activities in Manitoba. Lisa is now involved in fundraising for the region, writing and coordinating grant proposals as well as assisting in prospect development and donor stewardship.

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