Fish Lake Drain Parklands, Interlake, MB (Photo by NCC)

Fish Lake Drain Parklands, Interlake, MB (Photo by NCC)

Melissa Grantham, conservation biologist, Manitoba Region

Melissa Grantham, conservation biologist, Manitoba Region

Melissa Grantham

conservation biologist

Melissa Grantham has been working for the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) in Manitoba since the summer of 2013. She grew up in Winnipeg and spent much of her childhood exploring her love of nature. 

Prior to pursuing an education and career in the natural sciences, Melissa completed a culinary arts diploma at Red River College and worked as a cook and baker for several years. Wishing to further her education, Melissa completed an honour's undergraduate degree in biology (dendrochronology) at the University of Winnipeg. Melissa's keen interest in botany then led her to complete a master's degree in biological sciences (pollination and reproduction of lady's-slipper orchids) at the University of Manitoba.

Melissa enjoys working with NCC and being a part of the conservation efforts in the province. She works in both science and stewardship on a wide variety of projects. Her favourite time away from work is spent with her husband and daughters — gardening, going for walks or to the family cabin in the Interlake and reading lots of stories.

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