Tallgrass Prairie (Photo by NCC)

Tallgrass Prairie (Photo by NCC)

Tim Teetaert

Tim Teetaert

Tim Teetaert

Tim Teetaert joined the Manitoba Region of the Nature Conservancy of Canada in the fall of 2011. He is currently the natural area manager for the Tall Grass Prairie, Whitemouth River Watershed and Interlake natural areas in Eastern Manitoba. Tim's responsibilities include land securement, stewardship and management activities, as well as the operation of The Weston Family Tall Grass Prairie Interpretive Centre. 

Tim grew up on a mixed crop and livestock farm in southwestern Manitoba. This, along with his education background in forest and prairie ecology, has provided him with a skill set to effectively work with private landowners and agricultural producers to conserve biodiversity within his Natural Area. 

Tim currently lives in Winnipeg, and enjoys making the trek to southwest Manitoba to his family's farm and cottage. 

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