Bill Jones (Photo by Mike Dembeck)
Bill Jones
Atlantic Board Member
William M. Jones, Fredericton, New Brunswick, has been a volunteer and supporter of the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) since 1988. He was the founding chair of NCC's Atlantic Regional Board in 1998 and continues as an active board member. Bill served on NCC's national board from 1991to 2000.
In the early 1990s, Bill championed the conservation of Bay of Fundy shorelines in New Brunswick and since then, NCC's Johnson's Mills Shorebird Interpretive Centre has become an internationally recognized protected area for migratory birds. Bill helped start the conservation of the Musquash Estuary near Saint John, the last remaining fully functioning estuary in the Bay of Fundy, and now NCC's largest nature reserve in Atlantic Canada. In 2016, Bill received the NB Lieutenant Governor's Award for Excellence in Land Conservation, and in 2017 received an honorary doctorate from the University of New Brunswick as a philanthropist, businessman and conservationist.