Carole Chan (Photo by Jeremie Doiron)
Carole Chan
Atlantic Regional Board Member
Daughter of Taiwanese immigrants to Canada, Carole Chan was born and raised in Vancouver, British Columbia. Currently based out of Moncton, New Brunswick, she works as a lawyer at Connors Stilwell, specializing in environmental, regulatory, Indigenous and technology law.
Carole’s contributions to her community focus on cultivating democratic engagement and sustainable, active living. She currently serves as a member of the City of Moncton’s Enhancing Democracy Committee, sits on the Board of Directors of the Frye Festival, and is a member of the Law Society’s Equity & Social Justice Committee. Carole is also a co-founder of Femmocracy Now/Femmocratie ici, an organization that seeks to educate, empower and support progressive women to run, win and thrive in political office in New Brunswick.
Carole enjoys hiking and exploring parks and historic sites with her three children and golden retriever.