Johnson's Mills (Photo by Mike Dembeck)

Johnson's Mills (Photo by Mike Dembeck)

Bay of Fundy

  • NCC summer interns and stewards of Pendleton Island, NB (Photo by NCC)
    Fundy Isles

    The Fundy Isles is one of the few undeveloped, pristine island clusters left in Atlantic Canada. NCC has been working here since 1999.

  • Grand Manan, NB (Photo by Nick Hawkins)
    Grand Manan

    NCC currently owns 243 hectares of valuable habitat on the southeast coast of the island.

  • Semipalmated Sandpipers (Photo by Jordan Myles/ NCC staff)
    NCC's Shorebird Reserve and Interpretive Centre

    Johnson’s Mills is an example of a critical stop-over for migrating shorebirds. Every summer, massive flocks of shorebirds journey through the Bay of Fundy from the Canadian Arctic before heading to South America. Johnson's Mills becomes the stage for one of nature's great migrations, as its mudflats and beaches serve as a temporary stopover for flocks of shorebirds numbering up to a quarter of a million individual birds.

  • Musquash River, New Brunswick (Photo by Ron Garnett Airscapes)
    Musquash Estuary Nature Reserve

    Located 19 kilometres west of Saint John, New Brunswick, Musquash is one of the last fully functioning estuaries in the Bay of Fundy, in one of the most biologically productive natural settings in Atlantic Canada.

  • Stream on Riverside-Albert Property (Photo by NCC)

    This 220-hectare nature reserve is an excellent example of a diverse Wabanaki (Acadian) forest, including mature red spruce, sugar maple, red maple and yellow birch. Most of the trees on this NCC nature reserve are more than 80 years old.

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