Aerial view of the Musquash Estuary (Photo by Mike Dembeck)

Aerial view of the Musquash Estuary (Photo by Mike Dembeck)

Musquash Estuary Nature Reserve

At the 2,300-hectare Musquash Estuary Nature Reserve, the majestic Musquash River winds through Acadian forest and vast marshes to meet the world’s highest tides in the Bay of Fundy. NCC’s largest nature reserve in Atlantic Canada is a haven for wildlife. At-risk species like peregrine falcon thrive here, as well as bobcat, moose, deer and harbor seal. 

Located along the Atlantic flyway, the Musquash Estuary is a key stopover site for many species of migratory birds, including white-winged scoter, surf scoter, black guillemot, common eider and semipalmated sandpiper.

Thanks to our donors and partners, NCC has built a large conservation area around the Musquash Estuary that protects important coastal forest and wetland habitat. Find out more >

Just 20 kilometres from Saint John, this beautiful wilderness was once targeted for development. Led by the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) since 2001, the reserve has grown piece by piece through land donations and community partnerships, and is still in progress: a conservation success story in the making. Our goal is to see a total of 4,800 hectares conserved surrounding the Musquash Estuary, through the combined efforts of NCC and our partners.

We're growing

The Nature Conservancy of Canada is leading efforts to conserve this unique area. Thanks to our supporters, we've come a long way, but there are still missing pieces in need of protection. A larger and better-connected landscape is healthier for wildlife and more resilient for the future. You can help Musquash grow by supporting our next conservation projects.
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Why the Musquash Estuary matters

The Musquash Estuary Nature Reserve is an important conservation area for the Atlantic region. It's the only large, undeveloped river estuary remaining in the Bay of Fundy, and it surrounds New Brunswick's only Marine Protected Area. We're keeping the Musquash Estuary wild, which is critical for many species, both on land and in the ocean.
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Visiting Musquash

The Musquash Estuary Nature Reserve is not only a haven for wildlife, it's a haven for people too. A popular destination for hikers and birders, the reserve offers well-marked trails with spectacular views of the rugged Bay of Fundy coastline. The meandering Musquash River is a stunning place to explore by kayak or canoe. It's a wilderness close to the city that feels a world away.
Find out how to visit >

People making a difference

At one time, the beautiful Musquash Estuary was targeted for an industrial park and landfill, but community members successfully opposed the proposal. One of those opponents later donated her land at Musquash for conservation, starting a conservation legacy.
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Help us care for Musquash

We are actively caring for our nature reserve and hold volunteer events every year.
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