Conservation Volunteers Mary Gaultois, Martha Gaultois and Janet Fradsham in Sandy Point, NL (Photo by NCC)

Conservation Volunteers Mary Gaultois, Martha Gaultois and Janet Fradsham in Sandy Point, NL (Photo by NCC)

Stories From the Field

  • Upper Ohio, NS (Photo by Mike Dembeck)
    Be thankful for nature, and nature will thank you

    Every October, Atlantic Canadians are treated to a natural phenomenon, as our landscapes transform into a vivid wash of vibrant oranges, yellows and reds. At NCC we are thankful for Atlantic Canada’s diverse habitats, which provide us with important ecosystem services.
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  • Summer's End (Photo by Julia Ball/NCC staff)
    Summer adventures with interns in Atlantic Canada

    As summer 2023 comes to an end, let’s celebrate the success of Nature Conservancy of Canada interns in Atlantic Canada and their projects. Read more.
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  • Julia Ball in the field,NL (Photo by Byron Bennett/QFN)
    A summer of partnership and experience

    Meet Julia Ball: the first intern to work with both the Nature Conservancy of Canada and Qalipu First Nation over one summer.
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  • River Crossing, NL (Photo by Kayla Fisher/ NCC staff)
    Lloyds River: An unexpected journey

    Find out what happened when the Nature Conservancy of Canada’s Newfoundland team had to switch plans the night before venturing into one of the island’s most remote nature reserves.
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  • Maritime gartersnake enjoying the sun. Maritime gartersnakes are likely one of two subspecies of common gartersnake observed in Newfoundland, and can be identified by their green-brown colouration and mottled pattern. (Photo by Prof. Julia Riley)
    Snakes, saints and sightings: What you can do to help uncover the mystery of gartersnakes in Newfoundland

    What does the arrival of snakes mean for Newfoundland’s ecosystems and biodiversity? Will another non-native animal added to the mix spell trouble for the island’s unique, endemic and beloved species?
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  • Atlantic Interns gathering at Johnson's Mills Nature Reserve (Photo by NCC Staff)
    Interns of Atlantic Canada

    Looking after migratory shorebirds, debris cleanup, bringing awareness to communities and more — the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) interns of 2022 did it all. Read along to learn more about these eager young individuals and their achievements over the summer.
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