
Regional Board of Directors

To connect with the Atlantic Regional Board of Directors, please contact Mark Frank, Regional Board Secretary at mark.frank@natureconservancy.ca or 1-877-231-3552 ext 3311.

  • Hari Balasubramanian, Atlantic regional board member (courtesy of Hari Balasubramanian)
    Hari Balasubramanian

    Based in Nova Scotia, Hari Balasubramanian is a member of the Board of Directors of the Nature Conservancy of Canada's Atlantic Region.

  • John Caraberis, Atlantic regional board member (Photo courtesy of John Caraberis)
    John Caraberis

    John Caraberis is a passionate supporter and volunteer of the Nature Conservancy of Canada's (NCC's) mission in Nova Scotia.

  • Carole Chan (Photo by Jeremie Doiron)
    Carole Chan

    Daughter of Taiwanese immigrants to Canada, Carole Chan was born and raised in Vancouver, British Columbia. Currently based out of Moncton, New Brunswick, she works as lawyer at Connors Stilwell, specializing in environmental, regulatory, Indigenous, and technology law.

  • Rob Crosbie, Newfoundland (Photo by NCC)
    Rob Crosbie

    Rob Crosbie is a member of the Atlantic Regional Board of the Nature Conservancy of Canada.

  • Leslie Grattan, Board member of Atlantic Region (courtesy of Leslie Grattan)
    Leslie Grattan

    Leslie Grattan is a member of the Board of Directors of the Nature Conservancy of Canada's Atlantic Region.

  • Diane Griffin (Photo by Jenna Rachelle)
    Diane Griffin

    Diane Griffin on conserving Prince Edward Island land, piece by piece

  • Neil Hardy, Atlantic Board Member  (Photo by Andrew Herygers / NCC Staff)
    Neil Hardy

    Neil is one of the amazing Newfoundland and Labrador representatives of the Atlantic Regional Board.

  • Bill Jones (Photo by Mike Dembeck)
    Bill Jones

    William M. Jones, Fredericton, New Brunswick, has been a volunteer and supporter of the Nature Conservancy of Canada since 1988.

  • Ginny MacDonald
    Ginny MacDonald

    An accomplished global executive and corporate director, and a Canadian who has lived and worked from coast to coast.

  • Don McNeil, Board member of Atlantic Region (Photo by NCC)
    Don McNeil

    Don McNeil is a member of the Board of Directors of the Nature Conservancy of Canada's Atlantic Region.

  • Rodney Weston, Atlantic Board Member  (Photo by Andrew Herygers / NCC Staff)
    Rodney Weston

    One of the New Brunswick representatives on the Atlantic Regional Board.

  • Ann Worth, Atlantic board chair (Photo courtesy of Ann Worth)
    Ann Worth

    Ann Worth, an international business consultant and Chair of NCC's Board of Directors for the Atlantic Region.

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