Cabot Head shoreline, Northern Bruce Peninsula, ON (Photo by Kas Stone)

Cabot Head shoreline, Northern Bruce Peninsula, ON (Photo by Kas Stone)

Ian Wallace (Photo by NCC)

Ian Wallace (Photo by NCC)

Ian Wallace: Dispenser Amenities

Chief executive officer

Meet Ian Wallace, CEO of Dispenser Amenities, based out of London, Ontario. A long-time supporter of the Nature Conservancy of Canada's work in Ontario, Dispenser Amenities makes shower and bath product dispensers used by the hotel industry.

Their mission? To rid the world of the nearly 10 million little plastic bottles that get thrown away by hotels every year.

The challenge of trying to change an industry’s long-held ideas of hospitality for the sake of sustainability hasn’t been an easy one. It has, however, highlighted the importance of everyone doing their part, not only in terms of little bottles, but with all the other ways we can each do our part to help the environment.

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