Nature Days, Happy Valley Forest, ON (Photo by HSBC Bank Canada)

Nature Days, Happy Valley Forest, ON (Photo by HSBC Bank Canada)

Hike in Happy Valley Forest, ON (Photo by NCC)

Hike in Happy Valley Forest, ON (Photo by NCC)

Ontario Regional Board

The Ontario Region is guided by dynamic board members, whose expertise touches on all aspects of our conservation work. These highly respected individuals volunteer their time to assist the Nature Conservancy of Canada in making the best decisions for conservation in Ontario.



Paul Genest, Chair

Patricia A. Koval, Vice Chair

Miptoon (Anthony Chegahno)

Cameron Clark

Lynn A. Clark

Alana Gavin

Cylita Guy

David Love

Erin Prendergast

Jeff Smith

Peter Kendall

Mary M. Thomson

Rodney Wilts

Michele Wright

Shelby Yee

The Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) is governed by a National Board with support from seven Regional Boards: National Board of Directors

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