Backus Woods Addition, Southern Norfolk Sand Plain, ON (Photo by NCC)

Backus Woods Addition, Southern Norfolk Sand Plain, ON (Photo by NCC)

American Chestnut Blight

American chestnut (Photo by Norfolk County)

American chestnut (Photo by Norfolk County)

The Canadian Chestnut Council

The Canadian Chestnut Council (CCC), a charitable organization, has been actively involved in the conservation of the American chestnut since 1988. CCC's many efforts to preserve this species include:

  • mapping known locations of surviving and blight-resistant American chestnut trees;
  • collecting nuts and seedlings and distributing them to suitable growing locations; and
  • producing and distributing educational materials.

Many dedicated volunteers have participated in these efforts.

Bringing back the American chestnut

CCC is working with collaborators to establish chestnut trees in areas of suitable habitat, outside of the species' natural range in southern Ontario and the range of the chestnut blight.

CCC has partnered with the American Chestnut Foundation (ACF) to start a breeding program. The program combines resistant breeding material from ACF with American chestnut trees that are adapted to southern Ontario's environment and soils.

To learn more about the American chestnut and the Canadian Chestnut Council, please visit the CCC's website.

American Chestnut (Photo by Norfolk County)

American Chestnut (Photo by Norfolk County)


Supported by the Weston Family Foundation.

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