Backus Woods Addition, Southern Norfolk Sand Plain, ON (Photo by NCC)

Backus Woods Addition, Southern Norfolk Sand Plain, ON (Photo by NCC)


Spotted salamander (Photo by Bill Hubick)

Spotted salamander (Photo by Bill Hubick)

Worldwide, there are approximately 5,740 amphibian species, close to 50 of which are found in Canada. Of that number, Ontario is home to 26 of Canada's amphibian species.

Amphibians of Norfolk County

Norfolk County provides habitat for 17 of Ontario's 26 amphibian species. However, many of these are listed as species at risk.

What are the threats to amphibian species?

Threats to amphibian species include:

  • habitat loss
  • road mortality
  • environmental changes
  • pollution
Wood frog (Photo by Bernt Solymar)

Wood frog (Photo by Bernt Solymar)

What is NCC doing to protect Ontario's amphibian species?

The Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) has been working closely with the Ministry of Natural Resources to recreate floodplain and wetland features along Big Creek and enhance seasonal wetlands on properties in the Norfolk Forests and Long Point Wetlands project area and across Ontario.

In the Norfolk Forests and Long Point Wetlands project area, NCC and its partners have created 36 acres of wetland habitat — an important tool for amphibian conservation.

How can you help protect Ontario's amphibians?

You can help protect amphibians by reporting amphibian sightings. This allows biologists to:

  • monitor changes in the range and distribution of amphibians;
  • assess whether or not a species is at risk; and
  • identify and manage critical habitat.

To report your amphibian sightings, please visit the Ontario's Reptile and Amphibian Atlas.

Salamander eggs (Photo by Bernt Solymar)

Salamander eggs (Photo by Bernt Solymar)


Supported by the Weston Family Foundation.

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