Backus Woods Addition, Southern Norfolk Sand Plain, ON (Photo by NCC)

Backus Woods Addition, Southern Norfolk Sand Plain, ON (Photo by NCC)

Red Pine

Red pine (Photo by Norfolk County)

Red pine (Photo by Norfolk County)

An important species in Norfolk County

Although the red pine is not native to southwestern Ontario it has been an important tree in Norfolk County's forest management history. In the early 1900s, large tracts of this tree were planted in Norfolk County to help combat erosion from extensive land clearing for agricultural. Many acres of red pine were planted at this time and roughly 2,000 acres (810 hectares) of red pine plantation is currently owned by Norfolk County.

The wood of this tree is heavier and harder than that of eastern white pine and so was preferred for certain types of lumber production. Another important reason for choosing to plant red pine was its lack of susceptibility to major insect pests and diseases, such as white pine weevil and white pine blister rust.

In addition, it was an important plantation species for the softwood lumber industry. Today, red pine is used for hydro poles and creates revenue for the county and landowners with plantations on their farms.

Supported by the Weston Family Foundation.

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