Backus Woods Addition, Southern Norfolk Sand Plain, ON (Photo by NCC)

Backus Woods Addition, Southern Norfolk Sand Plain, ON (Photo by NCC)

Woodland Vole

Where is this species found?

In Ontario, woodland vole inventories have turned up only 30 recorded locations, in Kent, Lambton, Elgin, Halton, Haldimand, Norfolk and Hamilton-Wentworth counties.

The woodland vole is at its northernmost range in Ontario and for this reason may never have been abundant.

Where does it live?

Woodland voles dwell close to the surface, digging burrows no deeper than 10 centimetres below ground. The females excavate burrows and line their nests with shredded vegetation.

Woodland voles spend most of their lives in their shallow burrows and are active throughout the day and night.

What is this species' life cycle?

Woodland voles breed in late spring through to late fall. Females can have up to four litters (the ability to have more than one litter in a breeding season is called "polyestrous") and litter sizes can reach up to 13 newborns!

What are the threats to this species?

The biggest threat to the woodland vole in Ontario is the loss of habitat.

What is its conservation status?

The woodland vole is protected as a species of special concern provincially under Ontario's Endangered Species Act and nationally under the Species at Risk Act.

Supported by the Weston Family Foundation.

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