Eastern bluebird (Photo by Chelsea Marcantonio)

Eastern bluebird (Photo by Chelsea Marcantonio)

Ontario invests additional $14 million in the Greenlands Conservation Partnership

March 23, 2023
Toronto, ON


The Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) welcomes the Government of Ontario’s additional $14-million investment in the Greenlands Conservation Partnership program, announced in Budget 2023.

The Greenlands Conservation Partnership is a proven program that continues to deliver important conservation in Ontario. With this investment, the Greenlands partners, including NCC, will conserve, restore and manage even more natural areas, including forests, wetlands and grasslands. The program encourages matching funds from non-provincial sources to expand conservation outcomes and provide exceptional value for money.

The Greenlands Conservation Partnership was launched in 2020. Since that time, NCC has leveraged it to deliver 20 key conservation projects across Ontario totalling more than 157,700 hectares. That’s an area two and a half times the footprint of the city of Toronto.

NCC thanks the Government of Ontario and Minister of Environment, Conservation and Parks David Piccini, for ongoing support of the Greenlands Partnership Program. The investment announced in Ontario Budget 2023 will help NCC, the Ontario Land Trust Alliance and other program partners continue to conserve Ontario’s lands and waters for people and nature.

“There has never been a more important time to advance effective conservation. Our natural areas support our local communities. They provide critical habitat for species at risk. The challenges of biodiversity loss and climate change demand we deliver more conservation solutions, at scale. Because when nature thrives, we all thrive.” - Mike Hendren, Regional Vice-President, Nature Conservancy of Canada

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Tara King
Communications Director, Ontario
C: 416-937-5079

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