Town Island Sunset (Photo by Patty Nelson)

Town Island Sunset (Photo by Patty Nelson)

Protecting Town Island: A biologist’s perspective

Town Island, ON (Photo by Patty Nelson)

Town Island, ON (Photo by Patty Nelson)

Town Island is a very special place worth protecting in Lake of the Woods.  

In the video below, Kristyn Ferguson, NCC’s conservation biologist and program director for Ontario region’s large landscapes, shares what makes Town Island an urgent conservation priority, and its importance for both people and animals.


We need your help!

The time is now. NCC must raise the funds necessary to purchase and to fund vital, ongoing stewardship work needed to keep Town Island wild by summer 2022, or we risk the property being reconsidered for private development.

Donation options

NCC is a registered charity in Canada — you will receive a charitable tax receipt for your gift. There are several donation options including multi-year pledges (Town Island Pledge Form here) and donations of stock/appreciated securities that may be of interest to you and provide you with additional tax savings and/or the elimination of a capital gains expense. Please contact us to discuss these options or make your gift online today to Keep Town Island wild!

If a U.S. tax deduction could be more advantageous to you, NCC works in partnership with a registered U.S. charity, American Friends of Canadian Nature. Please contact us to learn more.

Learn more about this vital conservation initiative in Lake of the Woods:

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