NCC staff visit the Five Houses Woodland Nature Reserve

NCC staff visit the Five Houses Woodland Nature Reserve

Five Houses Woodland Nature Reserve

Yellow Lady's Slipper

Yellow Lady's Slipper

The Five Houses Woodland Nature Reserve is three kilometres from beautiful St. Peter’s Bay, in northeastern Prince Edward Island. Located east of the provincially protected St. Peter’s Bog Natural Area, this 49-hectare nature reserve consists of an intact Wabanaki (Acadian) forest and freshwater wetlands. NCC staff have conducted a survey to learn more about the species found on the property.

The reserve’s forest is comprised of trembling aspen, red maple, balsam fir, white birch, white spruce and black spruce. Many species, such as songbirds, require large blocks of forest for nesting and foraging.

The wetlands found along the nature reserve are linked to the low-lying freshwater bog habitat in the area, including the St. Peter’s Bog Natural Area. Black ducks have been spotted in the nearby wetlands. Schooner Creek runs just south of the nature reserve, and McAskill River can be found to the north. Other species that have been observed on the nature reserve include Wilson’s snipe, ruby-crowned kinglet and rose-breasted grosbeak.

With your support we can expand this nature reserve and we are seeking your help to raise funds to conserve another 14 hectares. People wishing to learn more and to donate are encouraged to visit natureconservancy.ca and specify that their contribution is for Five Houses Nature Reserve in Prince Edward Island.

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